Monday, December 17, 2007


Red is a strong color, it stands out and its always very noticeable. It has many different meanings, but all are powerful, obvious emotions. With me its usually blatantly obvious what kind of mood I'm in, if I’m mad, people usually know it, and if I’m happy...well that’s also pretty easy to spot. I also tend to be very passionate about many of the things I do, and for these reasons I feel that I am best represented by the color red.

Red is the color most often used to describe anger. When something gets heated up, eventually it will glow red and start steaming...unfortunately I also sometimes work this way. For the most part I don't get angry too easily and it takes a while for me to get to that point, but when it happens everyone knows about it. Saying I have a temper at times is definitely not an understatement, but most of the time I cool off pretty quickly.

On the other hand red is also the color of love. My family is the most important thing in the world to me and I love them very much. My girlfriend is also a very important person in my life. She means a lot to me and I try and do everything I can to be a good boyfriend. Last but not least, my friends. Usually I can’t stand them, but they have their moments…but really, when push comes to shove I’ll be there in a heartbeat if they ever really need me. In general, when it comes to the people around me I am a pretty caring person, which is my I feel that red suits me so well.

In a more literal sense though, at some points red actually becomes a part of me. Whenever I laugh really hard, or get embarrassed, my face turns RED! I’m not talking about normal blushing, I mean I get as red as an apple! It may not be a very important trait, its just something I noticed and it definitely gets some laughs sometimes.

The last reason I feel that red describes me best is because I’m a very passionate person. I feel very strongly about my opinions and values, and most of the time there is very little anyone can do to make me stray from them. If I have an idea or opinion which I feel strongly about, I tend to defend them, sometimes excessively.

With the color red comes the good and the bad, but regardless, it is, without a doubt, the most fitting for my personality.

El Blanco Bronco

It was January of sophomore year when I first saw it. It was sitting there in the A&P parking lot, under the light. When I finally got the keys to that beautiful white and tan '96 bronco I was ecstatic.
I love my truck, its beautiful, big, fun, and it lets me enjoy myself and be independent. It can take me places that ordinary cars could never even dream of going. It looks like an older, tough truck, yet still has all of the modern commodities and that is probably what I like most about it.
I bought my truck with my own money and I am still very proud of that. I definitely appreciate it more because I put in the time, hard work, and money to buy it. Some people get their cars handed to them and that’s great, but to mean it means a lot more when you earn it yourself. It feels good to be able to say I own this; I don’t owe my parents, or the bank or anyone else, because it belongs to me and me alone.
Another reason my Bronco reflects myself is what I’ve done to it. I think that I have a pretty unique personality, and my truck definitely does too. Since I bought it just over two years ago, I’ve lifted it about seven inches, put new black rims on it along with 36x14.5 Parnelli Jones Dirt Grips, and a whole bunch of other little things. To some people that might seem pointless, or a waste of money, but regardless it makes me happy and that’s what matters to me. Since I did almost all of the work myself I think it shows that I am a hard worker when I really want something. I could’ve paid someone else to do it but I know that not only would I appreciate it more, but I would also learn a lot more if I did it myself.
I could’ve bought a car that gets great gas mileage, is hassle free, and fits in most parking garages, but I didn’t and I would make that choice over and over again. I would rather spend a little more on gas so I can do the things I love. Cars might be fun and some even fast, but I’ve never seen a car go through five feet of mud, and to me there’s nothing better! The fact that I can get out of my driveway in a snow storm is definitely another big advantage too.
Overall my Bronco and I have been through a lot. Everything I know about automotives was learned under that beast and it makes me really proud to know how much hard work I put into it. There is no better since of accomplishment than realizing that after all the work I did, it actually works…well until I break something else of course, but that’s half the fun! At the end of the day, I wouldn’t trade my Bronco for anything.